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Meet The Team: Behind AMB
It takes a team to bring the dream of Aspen Meadow Band into reality.
Each behind-the-scenes volunteer shares the same heart and dedication to support the band's mission of giving music to inspire, entertain, and help organizations that come its way while providing an uplifting time of fun, togetherness, and hope.
We volunteer our time and individual talents to support the vision of creating a more wonderful world for us all by uplifting the human spirit through music.
Luke Gaynor
Administrative Director
Jamie Sandness
Director of Partnership and Outreach
Sarah Wong
Director of Social Media and
Johannah Senn
Director of Band Operations
Amy Drahota
Event Planner
Megan Jackson
Stacie Wong
Theater/Set Design
Desi Aamodt
Social Media and Marketing
Domi Mitchell
Social Media and Marketing
Lori Schujter
Social Media and Marketing
Jordannah Baker
Social Media and Marketing
Jon Trendell
Social Media and Marketing/Sound Tech
Joel Wong
Sound Tech
David Newell
Sound Tech
Broc Norman
Sound Tech
Sarah Gaynor
Lisa Newell
Sound Production Team: David Newell, Broc Norman, Jon Trendell, Joel Wong
Social Media Team: Jon Trendell, Desi Aamodt, Jordannah Baker, Sarah Wong, Domi Mitchell, Lori Schutjer
Choreography Team: Lisa Newell, Sarah Gaynor
SFGH Day Breakers: Stacie Wong, Johannah Senn, Jamie Sandness, Amy Drahota, Joel Wong, Mark Drahota
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